Author Archive
02 May 2022
Shoot-through detector using FPGA
This project allows to detect a shoot-through condition on digital drivers. The FPGA board used is Mimas A7 Mini from Numato Lab, the code is written in Verilog and IDE is Vivado. What is shoot-through? In a half-bridge stage (Fig 2), if both transistors are driven simultaneously, even for a few nanoseconds, a shoot-through condition
27 Feb 2021
Protected: Raspberry Pi C/C++ cross development using GCC
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
23 Oct 2020
Installing ST-Link v2 to flash STM32 targets on Linux

This guide is targeting Linux users and ST-Link v2 hardware. First, we are going to install the necessary libraries and build tools: sudo apt-get install git make cmake libusb-1.0-0-dev sudo apt-get install gcc build-essential Now, we will download and build the ST-Link utilities: cd ~myusername mkdir stm32 cd stm32 git clone cd stlink cmake
30 Dec 2019
4Bit Division Verilog Example on Zynq FPGA
This small sketch demonstrates the four bit division operation on Zybo FPGA board. Zybo is a small and cheap board from Digilent, equipped with powerful Xilinx’s Zynq chip. This sketch was implemented to use only the PL, but neither PS nor ARM. The usage is simple: on switches 3:0 select the upper four bits of
19 Dec 2019
Installing ST-Link v2 to flash STM32 targets on Linux – old version
This article has a newer version. This guide is targeting Linux users and ST-Link v2 hardware. First, we are going to install the necessary libraries and build tools: sudo apt-get install git make cmake libusb-1.0-0-dev sudo apt-get install gcc build-essential Now, we will download and build the ST-Link utilities: cd ~myusername mkdir stm32 cd stm32
18 Dec 2019
Bare Metal STM32 Programming – LED Blink
Do you want to start STM32 programming? Get the Blue Pill which is featuring the powerful & cheap ARM Cortex-M3 32-bit microcontroller then, let’s go! We are going to build a LED blink app from scratch, using only the manual of the STM32F103C8T6 chip. The host platform used for this guide is Linux Mint 19.3.
12 Dec 2019
Setting-up cross compiler and build tools for STM32
Here is an ARM cross-compiler tutorial for STM32 and other ARM-based microcontrollers, like Microchip’s SAM’s. What’s a cross compilation process? That is when you use a x86 machine to produce binary code for a different architecture, like ARM. The situation is similar when you use a Raspberry Pi (ARM CortexA) to build apps for STM32
22 Apr 2018
Opening .msg Outlook files in Ubuntu or Linux Mint
Someone sent me an Outlook .msg file, and I just can’t open it in Linux Mint. So I did a little research and I found a solution. You need to have Mozilla Thunderbird installed, or any email client able to open .eml files, and the msgconvert tool, thanks to Matijs van Zuijlen. To install msgconvert,
16 Jul 2016
Am trecut pe Linux
Am renunțat la Windows în favoarea Linux Mint. Am reușit să găsesc înlocuitori pentru majoritatea programelor care nu au port de Linux, iar unele exe-uri merg bine sub Wine.