Embedded Archive
02 May 2022
Shoot-through detector using FPGA
This project allows to detect a shoot-through condition on digital drivers. The FPGA board used is Mimas A7 Mini from Numato Lab, the code is written in Verilog and IDE is Vivado. What is shoot-through? In a half-bridge stage (Fig 2), if both transistors are driven simultaneously, even for a few nanoseconds, a shoot-through condition
27 Feb 2021
Protected: Raspberry Pi C/C++ cross development using GCC
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
23 Oct 2020
Installing ST-Link v2 to flash STM32 targets on Linux

This guide is targeting Linux users and ST-Link v2 hardware. First, we are going to install the necessary libraries and build tools: sudo apt-get install git make cmake libusb-1.0-0-dev sudo apt-get install gcc build-essential Now, we will download and build the ST-Link utilities: cd ~myusername mkdir stm32 cd stm32 git clone https://github.com/stlink-org/stlink cd stlink cmake
30 Dec 2019
4Bit Division Verilog Example on Zynq FPGA
This small sketch demonstrates the four bit division operation on Zybo FPGA board. Zybo is a small and cheap board from Digilent, equipped with powerful Xilinx’s Zynq chip. This sketch was implemented to use only the PL, but neither PS nor ARM. The usage is simple: on switches 3:0 select the upper four bits of
19 Dec 2019
Installing ST-Link v2 to flash STM32 targets on Linux – old version
This article has a newer version. This guide is targeting Linux users and ST-Link v2 hardware. First, we are going to install the necessary libraries and build tools: sudo apt-get install git make cmake libusb-1.0-0-dev sudo apt-get install gcc build-essential Now, we will download and build the ST-Link utilities: cd ~myusername mkdir stm32 cd stm32
18 Dec 2019
Bare Metal STM32 Programming – LED Blink
Do you want to start STM32 programming? Get the Blue Pill which is featuring the powerful & cheap ARM Cortex-M3 32-bit microcontroller then, let’s go! We are going to build a LED blink app from scratch, using only the manual of the STM32F103C8T6 chip. The host platform used for this guide is Linux Mint 19.3.
12 Dec 2019
Setting-up cross compiler and build tools for STM32
Here is an ARM cross-compiler tutorial for STM32 and other ARM-based microcontrollers, like Microchip’s SAM’s. What’s a cross compilation process? That is when you use a x86 machine to produce binary code for a different architecture, like ARM. The situation is similar when you use a Raspberry Pi (ARM CortexA) to build apps for STM32
12 Dec 2015
New toy – ZYBO
The parcel arrived yesterday with the new toy. Together with The Zynq Book is a great start to learning embedded, and that from several points of view: digital design, FPGA, VHDL, Verilog, accelerators, multimedia processing embedded software for a ARM Cortex-A9 dual core platform Linux with all of it, from the boot process to the