Stories Archive

Opening .msg Outlook files in Ubuntu or Linux Mint

Someone sent me an Outlook .msg file, and I just can’t open it in Linux Mint. So I did a little research and I found a solution. You need to have Mozilla Thunderbird installed, or any email client able to open .eml files, and the msgconvert tool, thanks to Matijs van Zuijlen. To install msgconvert,

New toy – ZYBO

The parcel arrived yesterday with the new toy. Together with The Zynq Book is a great start to learning embedded, and that from several points of view: digital design, FPGA, VHDL, Verilog, accelerators, multimedia processing embedded software for a ARM Cortex-A9 dual core platform Linux with all of it, from the boot process to the

Wonder of the day – the TAR archive

The archive tar, not the compressed gzip or gz, just simple .tar does not support checksum! 7Zip check reports success, but the content can be silently corrupted. Archive in question was a 6GB installation kit. In download section was also the MD5 hash, but laziness is great. After three failed installation attempts, I checked the MD5 🙂

The first post

Today Emil helped me to get WordPress installed and up running. Also, I got some training from him, and hopefully, I’m not going to stress him too much in the future :).