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DIY Switch-mode Constant Current Supply So, this is the story: I needed a some 1A+ current source, maybe 1.5A, for sure no more than 2Amps. You will suggest that I can use a bench power supply in current limited mode. But the top-bench supplies are heavy and expensive. Furthermore, I do not want to carry
Do you have a free weekend and an old mouse to throw away? Here’s how you can save the mouse and lose the 2 days – yes, I know, it’s not a big deal, but this is not an economics page.
Ai un sfârșit de săptămână liber și un mouse vechi numai bun de aruncat? Iată cum poți să salvezi mouse-ul și să pierzi cele 2 zile – da, știu, nu e mare afacere, dar nici asta nu e o pagină de economie.